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Unveiling the Chakra System

Natalia Hunt

How does the vagus nerve affect the chakras? The vagus nerve is one of twelve cranial nerves and is the second largest nerve in the body. It represents the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system and oversees a vast array of crucial bodily functions including: control of mood, immune response, digestion, and heart rate. It sends sensory information, including details about smells, sights, tastes, and sounds, to the brain. It also controls the movement of various muscles and the function of certain glands. It establishes communication between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract and sends information about the state of the inner organs to the brain via afferent nerve fibers. This means that the nerve impulses move from stimuli in the body towards the central nervous system and the brain.

When working with the chakra centers you can stimulate the vagus nerve. It is the body's connection to the seven chakras through various nerve networks. The chakras each hold specific energies of consciousness. Our nervous system is how our consciousness inhabits embodied life. This means that the nervous system’s capacity to circulate information from our chakras throughout our body to the mind determines the level of consciousness we experience, as well as our ability to manifest that consciousness in our lived experience. We can only have awareness in these different levels internally and externally if our nervous system has the ability to carry those particular energies or signals to the brain.

Benefits of Vagus Nerve Stimulation

  • Memory retention

  • Increased calm

  • Increased sense of bliss

  • Reduced blood pressure

  • Controlled respiration

  • Neuroplasticity

  • Improved immune system response

  • Reduced neural inflammation

  • Reduction in stress levels

  • Alleviation of depression

  • Treatment of certain types of epilepsy

  • Improved cognitive behavior

1. The Root Chakra - Coccygeal Nerve Plexus

  • The coccygeal plexus consists of the coccygeal nerve and the fifth sacral nerve, which innervate the skin around the coccyx.

  • Structures: Genital organs, adrenal system, coccygeal vertebrae

  • Qualities: Reproduction, removal of waste, excretion, urination, defecation.

  • Balanced: we have a capacity to enjoy life, secure in self, connected to your body and grounded.

  • Unbalanced: financial struggle, trouble manifesting, lack of trust, and fear.

  • Mission: Security, Survival

2. The Sacral Chakra - Aortic Nerve Plexus

  • The aortic plexus is a network of pre- and postganglionic nerves overlying the abdominal aorta, which is primarily involved with the sympathetic innervation to the mesenteric, pelvic and urogenital organs.

  • Structures: Kidneys, endocrine pancreas, liver/gallbladder, ovaries/testes, sacral vertebrae

  • Qualities: Detoxification of blood, regulate metabolic energy, glucose metabolism, bile production

  • Balanced: creative, focused, pleasure, harmony

  • Unbalanced: Excessive thought, over-work, too much planning, guilt/shame.

  • Mission: Feelings and Creativity

3. The Solar Plexus - The Celiac Plexus

  • Supplies the inferior part of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, and small intestine. The function of the celiac plexus is to transmit visceral sensory impulses (like pain or reflexes) from the foregut and midgut.

  • Structures: Stomach, Small intestine, exocrine pancreas, liver, spleen, lymphatic system, lumbar vertebrae

  • Qualities: Nutrition, absorption of nutrients

  • Balanced: High self esteem, self mastery, generous, driven, ethical

  • Unbalanced: Worry, greed, unethical behavior, lack of structure

  • Mission: Mentality and Structure

4. The Heart Chakra - The Cardiac Nerve Plexus

The cardiac plexus is divided into a superficial part, which lies in the concavity of the aortic arch and a deep part, between the aortic arch and the trachea. The two parts are, however, closely connected. The sympathetic component of the cardiac plexus comes from cardiac nerves which originate from the sympathetic trunk. The parasympathetic component of the cardiac plexus originates from the cardiac branches of the vagus nerve.

  • Structures: Heart, lungs, blood vessels, thymus, cellular immune system, sternum, breasts, lumbar and thoracic vertebrae

  • Qualities: Circulatory and oxygenation systems, immunity

  • Balanced: Love, courageous, responsible, sincere, healing, connected

  • Unbalanced: Insecure, irresponsible, experiencing grief, trouble forgiving.

  • Mission: relationships and healing

5. The Throat Chakra - The Cervical Plexus

  • The cervical plexus is to provide skeletal muscle control of the neck and upper torso as well as providing cutaneous sensation to parts of the occiput, neck, and shoulder.

  • Structures: Cervical spine, thyroid, brain stem, pharynx, tongue, palate, muscles of facial expression, skin of upper body and face, sinuses

  • Qualities: Expression, communication, speech

  • Balanced: Expressive, intuitive, speak your truth.

  • Unbalanced: Guilt, aggression, fearful of verbalizing thoughts.

  • Mission: communication and guidance

6. The Third Eye Chakra - Optic Chiasm and Medulla

The optic chiasm is formed when the optic nerves come together in order to allow for the crossing of fibers from the nasal retina to the optic tract on the other side. This enables vision from one side of both the eyes to be appreciated by the occipital cortex of the opposite side.

  • The vagus nerve exits from the medulla oblongata (the connection between the brainstem and the spinal cord.)

  • Structures: Eyes, visual pathways of the brain, left and right hemispheres of the brain.

  • Qualities: Memory, vision, strategy

  • Balanced: Forgiveness, thought, humility

  • Unbalanced: Egotism, fantasies, grudges

  • Mission: vision and strategy

  • Pituitary gland: stores hormones and receives messages from the hypothalamus. It also contains magnetite, a compound of iron and oxygen that assists birds in finding north. In the 1990s scientists discovered magnetite crystals in humans, within a cluster of nerves in front of the pituitary gland, behind the ethmoid sinus. This cluster of magnetite crystals helps explain the discovery of a complex magnetic field around the head, detectable by a SQUID machine.

7. The Crown Chakra - Limbic Area of the Brain

  • The Limbic area of the brain governs our ability to bond, and operates as a mood control center. This portion of the brain manages emotional memories, emotional coloring, appetite, sleep cycles, and libido. It is the neuro-psychological center for integration of all aspects of personality.

  • Balanced: sense of connection throughout mind, body, spirit, and sense of purpose.

  • Unbalanced: doubt in the spiritual nature of the self, cynical, close-minded, disconnected, dissociated.

  • Mission: Purpose and spirituality.

  • Pineal gland: is an electromagnetic sensor that regulates many different states like mood, sleep, and even ESP. It represents an opening to divine energies. It is also the endocrine gland associated with the rising of the Kundalini.

9. Kundalini - Vagus Nerve

The sacrum is where the Vagus nerve meets other nerve branches and then carries information coming from the pelvic floor to the heart and brain. The Vagus nerve is integrated with the sympathetic nervous system most everywhere in the body but especially the gut and pelvis. The sacrum is also the seat of our spirituality and home of the kundalini, a serpent-like energy that sits coiled at the base of the spine. Kundalini energy is the individuated form of shakti, the divine life force.

The Vagus Nerve

  • Two nerves recognized as one.

  • Runs from the colon to the brain through the spinal cord, organs, and glands

  • takes information from the stomach. An impaired Vagus Nerve will result in stomach problems.

  • The heart communicates with the brain through the Vagus Nerve.

The Kundalini

  • Two psychic channels (ida and pingala) which, once purified and awakened, function as One (the Sushumna channel).

  • Rests in the first chakra, found in the pelvic floor at the base of the spine and rises to the pineal gland in the center of the brain through the spinal cord, organs, and glands.

  • Has a main psychic center in the Navel. When this center is not activated, the result can be digestive and stomach issues as well as feelings of disempowerment.

  • The heart chakra and the pineal gland are closely connected and interact through the kundalini life-force energy.

The Vagus Nerve can be seen as the physical manifestation of the Life-force energy also known as Kundalini. When active and functioning the Kundalini is akin to the Vagus Nerve in full working order. As we begin to open ourselves up and our consciousness increases we will all begin to see how prepared our physical bodies are for this increase. Can your nervous system handle the increase in cosmic energy? If it cannot, then the Vagus Nerve will tell you through states of dis-ease in the physical body. Learn how to stimulate the vagus nerve with the Rezzimax Tuner to allow for easier integration of chakra information and kundalini awakening. Allow us to assist you in reaching new levels of consciousness by increasing your nervous systems ability to carry information and signs from your chakras to your brain. Check out our youtube channel at for specific techniques.


Science and Sahaja Yoga, Autonomic Nervous System - Chakras and Corresponding Plexuses,, 9/10/23

Cyndi Dale, The Subtle Body An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy, Sounds True, Inc, Cyndi Dale, 2009.

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